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College Structure

The College is made up of a Board, Council, standing committees and task groups and is represented at a local level by the 37 faculties.

The Board assumes responsibility and accountability for decision-making and the delivery of the ICGP's strategic objectives.

The Council is the core representative body of the College. Its primary roles are to guide the Board on key policy and strategy matters. Each faculty has at least one representative and there are also several places filled by election, co-option and ex-officio appointment.

The College has established and co-ordinates a network of 37 faculties at local level. Each faculty is formally structured with its own bye-laws which are subject to approval by Council. Each faculty has at least one representative on the Council. See www.icgp.ie/faculties for more information.

There are over 4,000 members and associates in the college comprising over 85% of practising GPs in the Republic of Ireland. There are 205 members in Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, Canada and other overseas locations, and 690 GP trainees.